P99 Practice Test

  • If you’re trying to pass the FDNY Certificate of Fitness for low-pressure boiler operation exam, then you need to know about the “FDNY P99 practice test”. It’s a godsend online resource that’ll keep you on track.
  • I’m talking fillable forms, printable versions – and if that’s not your style, a blank format to make it all your own! You can adjust it however ya want to match your study habits and test yourself on everything taught.
  • The P99 practice test covers boiler performance, pressure regulation, load management – the works! Plus, it mirrors the same stuff you’ll see on the actual FDNY exam!
  • Not gonna lie y’all, this online simulator is pretty sick. It’ll give ya a sure shot feel for what taking the real exam might be like – so there won’t be any surprises come crunch time!
  • And guess what? Some providers even let ya download PDF versions of these practice tests which means ya can study in your jammies while piggin’ out on popcorn!
  • Quizzes based on this of a practice test provide an awesome way to measure how ready ya really are for the exam! That way you can go back over weak areas until they’re solid as a rock!
  • These practice exams aren’t just about passing though – they also teach precision and response speed when dealing with boilers… kinda like artillery training if ya ask me.
  • Practical scenarios are provided throughout these tests giving realistic examples of rule-following pressure regulation and load management from everyday situations encountered in Low PSI Oil Burner Operation Certification field…
  • whether you like online quizzes or printable PDF tests – just grab the FDNY P99 practice exam and let’s get to work! Cuz that C.O.F. ain’t gonna pass itself!

Let’s Get Started

1. Which component of an oil burner atomizes the fuel oil for combustion?

2. What is the primary purpose of a flame safeguard control?

3. Which type of fire extinguisher is most suitable for oil fires?

4. A boiler’s pressure relief valve opens when:

5. The amount of air needed for complete combustion of a specific quantity of fuel is known as:

6. Regular boiler maintenance should NOT include:

7. The purpose of a boiler’s stack is to:

8. Combustion efficiency in oil burners is most directly affected by:

9. In case of a fuel leak, the operator should first:

10. Draft regulators control the:

11. Which safety device stops the burner if it overheats?

12. To ensure efficient

13. A primary cause of inefficient combustion and soot formation is:

14. The purpose of a barometric damper is to:

15. The byproduct of incomplete combustion is:

16. In a low-pressure oil burner, the oil pump delivers fuel to the burner at:

17. What should you do if the pressure relief valve is leaking?

18. Smoke detectors used in boiler rooms should be:

19. The device that separates water droplets from steam before it goes to the header is called:

20. The air which aids in fuel atomization in an oil burner is called:

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